PARADIGM Darker Side of Music (EN – Video interview) Jeu d’ombre (FR) “Paradigm” is one of the best releases of the end of the year, establishing Stridulum as one of the essential bands on today’s scene.” Forces Parallèles (FR) “Les Polonais par leur qualité mélodique et vocale apportent à un genre qui peine à se […]
Raskolnikov : Concerts 2024
22.02 LYON Sonic Lyon 24.02 KREUZLINGEN Horst Klub 01.03 LUZERN Sedel 02.03 WINTERTHUR Gaswerk 30.03 St MARTIN EN BRESSE LE BON SENS 26.04 BONN KULT41 27.04 LEIPZIG G16 08.06 WITTEN Darkmas Fest II 15.06 BERLIN Supamolly 30.08/31.08 PRAHA XIX. Prague Gothic Treffen (OFFICIAL EVENT)
Norma Loy : Revue de Presse
Indiemoodd (FR) “NORMA LOY à travers cette collection de reprises, prouve une fois encore son pouvoir créatif en incluant à son propre univers celui de ses artistes fondateurs.” Obsküre (FR/Interview) Side Line Reviews (EN) “the way this opus has been accomplished is absolutely great and magical” Songazine (FR) Blitz (FR) “Un grand album à posséder […]
The Cemetary Girlz : Revue de presse
Side Line (EN) Obskure (FR) “Beauty is tangible” Mick Mercer (EN) “As fabulous as ever.” Dark Entries (NL) “The Cemetary Girlz still show how to preserve the magic and intensity of gothic” Forcres Parallèles (FR) “This album is unquestionably a success.” Antblog
JE T’AIME : revue de presse
AGGRESSIVE / AGGRESSION Post-Punk (EN) VerdamMnis Magazine (FR) JE T’AIME (DELUXE / REMASTERED) Snooze Control (EN) AGGRESSIVE NightShade (EN – Interview) Side-Line Reviews (EN-Interview) Longueur d’Ondes (FR) Persona (Interview – FR) Snooze Control (Interview – EN) Side-Line Magazine (EN) “Je T’Aime is a band you definitely have to discover for their great and personal interpretation […]
Denuit : Revue de presse
Side Line Magazine (EN-Interview) Litzic (FR) “Impossible to circumvent any Inferno title.” Side-Line Reviews (EN) “This band sounds like a true discovery.” Guts of Darkness (FR) “One of the records of 2022, for sure.” Luminous Dash (NL) Dark Entries (NL) “Grab your chance to get to know this Denuit! ” Forces Parallèles (FR) “”With Inferno, […]
She Pleasures Herself : revue de presse
LATEX Artnoir (D) XXX Threshold Mag (live review w/ videos – PT) Musiczine (NL) Dark Entries (NL) Ascension magazine (IT) ElectroSpank (EN) “A really great sequel of a debut album, staying in the dark and gothic side but even more cold.” ArtNoir (DE) “Das zweite Album „XXX“ von She Pleasures Herself aus Lissabon glänzt mit düsteren Sound […]
Fall Shock : revue de presse
Universal City Crime (EN) Santuary (CZ) Side Line reviews (EN) “Fall shock has made a serious step forward unleashing a great match between different influences. ” Interior Unlit (EN) “Whether listening or dancing, these urgent tracks call out to us in the here and now with deep musical roots into the past.” Side-Line reviews […]
Dear Deer concerts 2023
10.02.2023: F-Arras Hotel de Guignes 24.02.2023: F-Reignier – Le Poulpe 25.02.2023: DE-Konstanz 17.03.2023: IT-TBA 18.03.2023: IT-Verona 31.03.2023: TBA 29.04.2023: DE-Berlin Dark spring fest 13.05.2023: BE-Bruxelles 01.07.2023: F-Mainsquare festival (Arras)
27.01 FISCIANO IT 28.01 ROME IT 08.02 CHAMBERY FR 09.02 LYON FR 10.02 GENEVA CH Post Tenebras Rock – L’Usine 24.02 PARIS FR 14.04 STRASBOURG FR Molodoï 15.04 BRUSSELS BE 05.05 HANOVER DE Bruits De La Cave 28.05 LEIPZIG DE