Frontière Rock (Interview – FR) DORMANT Schwarzesbayern (DE) “Dormant is a beautiful and very danceable EP from Sexsomnia that is suitable for pulsating nights.”
Category Archives: Press
Selfishadows : press review
Everything Changes Jeu d’Ombre (FR) “A racy, personal, relevant and successful album.” Rock Shock (IT) Again Ver Sacrum (IT) Side-Line Reviews (EN) Dark Entries (NL) “An album that can resonate far beyond the scene, even if you have to be there at the right time, with the right people in the right place.” Amboss Mag […]
STRIDULUM : press review
PARADIGM Darker Side of Music (EN – Video interview) Jeu d’ombre (FR) “Paradigm” is one of the best releases of the end of the year, establishing Stridulum as one of the essential bands on today’s scene.” Forces Parallèles (FR) “Les Polonais par leur qualité mélodique et vocale apportent à un genre qui peine à se […]
Norma Loy: Press review
Indiemoodd (FR) “NORMA LOY à travers cette collection de reprises, prouve une fois encore son pouvoir créatif en incluant à son propre univers celui de ses artistes fondateurs.” Obsküre (FR/Interview) Side Line Reviews (EN) “the way this opus has been accomplished is absolutely great and magical” Songazine (FR) Blitz (FR) “Un grand album à posséder […]
She Pleasures Herself “XXX” : press review
Regenmag (EN) Musiczine (NL) Dark Entries (NL) Ascension magazine (IT) ElectroSpank (EN) “A really great sequel of a debut album, staying in the dark and gothic side but even more cold.” ArtNoir (DE) “Das zweite Album „XXX“ von She Pleasures Herself aus Lissabon glänzt mit düsteren Sound im Post-Punk Anzug und lässt der Fantasie freien Lauf.” Sanctuary […]
Fall Shock : press review
Universal City Crime (EN) Santuary (CZ) Side Line reviews (EN) “Fall shock has made a serious step forward unleashing a great match between different influences. ” Interior Unlit (EN) “Whether listening or dancing, these urgent tracks call out to us in the here and now with deep musical roots into the past.” Side-Line reviews […]
Schonwald “Abstraction” Press review
Jeu d’Ombre (FR) “Another sublime album from the Italian duo.” Indie for Bunnies (IT) Unlit (EN) “Best album of the year” Elektrospank (EN) “Abstraction has mysterious and dark profile, its atmosphere sometimes brings you to melancholy and other times to mental uplift.” Side Line (EN) interview Forces parallèles (FR) “SCHONWALD has patiently woven a web […]
Kill Shelter : press review
ASYLUM Anti-Social Media (EN) Soundscape (EN – Interview) “I owe a lot of people a lot of drinks.” El Garaje de Frank (EN/ES) Side Line (EN – Interview) Schwarzes Bayern (DE) Industrial Complexx (EN – interview) Luminous Dash (NL) ReGen Magazine (EN – interview) Electro Spank (EN – Review) Electro Spank (EN – News) The […]
The Midnight Computers: press review
ROMANTIC DISASTER Dark Life Experience (EN/DE) “one of the best albums we have heard in 2022” Schwarzes Bayern (DE) “The pieces are correspondingly complex and there are always small surprises.” The Subjectivisten (NL) “A sublime and certainly not a difficult second album!” Dark Entries (NL) “Electronically controlled post-punk, cut for the dance floor and clinging […]
AinSophAur : press review
Buzz on Web (FR – interview) Longueur d’Ondes (FR) Rock, Made in France (FR) CHOSES VUES, LUES ET ENTENDUES (FR)