JE T'AIME "Useless Boy"

JE T’AIME press review

USELESS BOY Longueur d’ondes (FR- live review) Verdammnis (Interview : FR – EN) Uter Ton (DE) “With “Useless Boy”, JE T’AIME could have created the successor in terms of innovative post-punk “fabriqué en France”. Alternation (EN) “JE T’AIME has managed to craft an album that surprises at every turn, delivering an exhilarating mix of urgency […]

THE CEMETARY GIRLZ"L'Envol du Corbeau"

The Cemetary Girlz: Press review

Luminous Dash (EN – Interview) Side Line (EN) Obskure (FR) “Beauty is tangible” Mick Mercer (EN) “As fabulous as ever.” Dark Entries (NL) “The Cemetary Girlz still show how to preserve the magic and intensity of gothic” Forcres Parallèles (FR) “This album is unquestionably a success.” Antblog

Les Tétines Noires

Les Tétines Noires : Press

Obsküre (FR – Interview) Persona (FR) “Bitter, industrial, punk, batcave, dada, it’s all there!” Muzzart (FR) interview To Periodico (GR) New Noise (F) OX Magazine (DE) (HU) Playlist 90’s par Les Tétines Noires @ Oldskool (FR) Playlist 80’s par Les Tétines Noires @ Oldskool (FR) Interview Oldskool (FR) Slime Zine (FR) W-Fenec (FR) L’ayatollah […]

Soft Scent: press review

RockShock (IT) “Chimera is truly an excellent debut album” You TVSR (IT – Interview) Ascensione (IT) “certainly to be counted among the best releases of 2024 in the “electro-dark” field” 8/10

The Spoiled

The Spoiled: Press Review

Obskure (F) ArtNoir (DE) Subexistance (EN) Rockit (IT) Industrial Revolution (IT) Obskure (F) ArtNoir (DE) Subexistance (EN) Rockit (IT) Industrial Revolution (IT)

Date at Midnight "Fading into this Grace"

Date at Midnight: press review

“Fading into this Grace” Side-Line Reviews (EN- interview) Music Map (IT) Side Line (EN) “Few bands manage to evoke the era’s characteristic enthusiasm as effectively.” Musika (BE/NL) “The band set the standard very high from the outset, and continue to do so. Sometimes more exciting, sometimes more explosive.” RockShock (IT) “Not a superfluous song, not […]

Aux Animaux "Body Horror"

Aux Animaux: Press review

Hymn (SW – Shadowplay Festival live report) Kult (PL) L’Autre Monde (FR) “Body Horror is an album that doesn’t just seduce the ear; it envelops, hypnotizes, and takes you on a complete sensory experience.” Other Voices (ES) Schwarzesbayern (DE) Jeu d’Ombre (FR) “There is nothing to criticize about this album, which is mastered from start […]

Living Temples "Glass"

Living Temples : press review

Glass Side Line (EN) “The album sounds powerful and melodic at the same time.” Schwarzes Bayern (DE) Dark Entries (DE) Against the Day Musiczine (NL) Dark Entires (NL) Schwarzes Bayern (D)

Curtain "Between us"

Curtain: Press review (EN) “Curtain have long been a prominent force in the French coldwave music scene.” Schwarzesbayern (DE) “Between us is a great, varied record that CURTAIN presents.” Jeu d’Ombre (FR) “To be placed in the middle of your discotheque alongside your favorite albums.” Frontière Rock (FR – Radio interview) Forces Parallèles (FR) “Melancholic and diverse, the introspective […]