“What more can you say about a band called DEAD that hasn’t already been made abundantly clear at first glance? The fact that these French mercenaries of noise can conjure up such a powerfully dark aesthetic before even hitting a note is impressive, but when they finally do, they unleash a far more potent beast entirely. If DEAD aren’t already mapping out the future destruction of the planet, they’ve sure as hell written the soundtrack.
Bleak, confrontational, but with a firm command of rhythm and deep grooves, this might be the dancefloor antidote we’ve been waiting for.”
(Electric Company UK)
« Les jeunes Rennais de Dead n’ont peur de rien. Surtout pas d’intituler quatre de leurs compositions en forme de carré d’as Transmissions EP quand la musique de ce disque sépulcral bien qu’inaugural imagine Ian Curtis non seulement toujours vivant, mais à la pointe du son électronique. Ou comment de simples boîtes à rythmes analogiques dignes de Suicide (ré)inventent le futur grâce à ce trio infernal à faire danser les morts.» Transmusicales de Rennes (2013).